Embodied Mama Circle
This is my vision
for what I would love to co-create with you!
You are gathering with other women who are on a very similar path as you are, each in her very unique way.
You feel safe in the beautiful space and deeply connected to the women around you.
You feel bathed in the warm and sweet and loving energy that you co-create with all those amazingly magical women.
You feel held as you move deeper into the internal landscapes of your body.
I invite you to dream for a moment
and to allow yourself to feel into the beauty of walking this path into motherhood with other women
This offering includes:
Monthly virtual Embodied Mama Circle 90 minutes
Embodiment practices
Meditation and breathwork
Exploration through Art
Community building
Loving Support
Annual Pass $333
Single Pass $33
Do you feel the inner call to be part of this magical experience?