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The vision I hold as we walk this journey together

Updated: Sep 28, 2023

She takes a moment to close her eyes and take a deep breath. What a wild ride these past months have been! When she thinks back to the beginning of her motherhood journey, it almost feels like she had been another person. Sometimes it’s still hard for her to believe how calm, confident and connected she feels now! She actually can feel herself now! All of herself. And find acceptance and love for all of it. She is able to slow down and go within whenever she needs to make a decision. Sometimes she thinks back to those moments of making her pros and cons lists, asking everyone around her for advice, the level of anxiety she felt. She can still feel the anxiety bubble up sometimes on those situations, but now she is able to slow down, take her time and feel into the right next step. Without the need of all those external opinions. She trusts herself with whatever comes up for her, takes it as an invitation to go deeper. She deeply trusts her body and her inner guidance. She knows how much of this journey lies in the dark and she accepts what she cannot control, she even finds gratitude for how mystical and magical this makes her journey. She trusts herself deeply to be able to handle any situation life brings to her and to be able to ask for support when she needs it. Each step she takes feels intentional and is deeply rooted in love for herself, for her baby and this journey of motherhood she has the pleasure of walking. She feels confident about expressing herself authentically with the people she loves, and she feels grateful for all the deep connections this has brought into her life. There were also losses on that path, and she knows that this is as much part of the journey as all the beautiful things she has attracted. She wakes up in the morning feeling excited and curious to dive into her day and to see what new adventures are waiting for her. She knows what she desires, and she goes for it every single day, step by step. She savors life in all its flavors and feels excited about passing that down to her little one. If she had not trusted that tiny nudge of hope that initiated this wild journey, she would have never been able to experience this journey into motherhood with such deep pleasure, clarity and confidence. She is a mama bear ready to stand up for herself and the ones she loves.

Artwork by Kellepics

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